For us, calculation standards are naturally fundamental. Therefore, the KISSsoft company works actively in the standardization committees. Dr. Ulrich Kissling is chairing the TK25 Committee (‘Gears’) of the Swiss Association for Standardization (SNV) and is a voting member for Switzerland of the ISO TC 60 and the Workgroup 15 (‘Micropitting’) as well as the Workgroup 6 (‘Cylindrical gear calculation’).
Additional KISSsoft employees are in the ISO TC 60 WG 13 active (‘Bevel gears’), in the VDI Commission for defining the VDI 2736 (‘Plastic gears’) and in the board of the VDI 2610 (‘GDE’). Finally, we host the ISO and VDI meetings regularly in our office. True to our motto “Sharing knowledge”, we support the exchange of information on an international level in order to offer our users a globally applicable software.
The calculation programs of KISSsoft are based on the implementation of all relevant standards and their drafts (ISO, DIN, AGMA, VDI, Klingelnberg). This allows KISSsoft to be always on the cutting edge of technology and to offer many design and optimization tools, as well as methods which transcend the standards.
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