FVA-Workbench 5.5 BETA released

Faster, better, more user-friendly

The new FVA-Workbench is easier to use and offers additional new features for improved results.

Public beta now available ­

Free Download 

All users with a current license can try the new version now.

Can’t access the download?
Send an e-mail to [email protected]

Anyone without a current license can try the FVA-Workbench for 6 weeks free of charge.

Send an e-mail with the subject “FVA-Workbench 5.5 test license” and your Hardwarekey to [email protected].

More information on licensing is available here.
The FVA-Workbench 5.5 Beta Workshop was held 27-28 March in Garching.

We would like to thank everyone who participated for their valuable feedback and suggestions.

You can also help with testing in the next beta workshop –  we offer direct access to expert support and explain the latest features.

