The recent EUROTRANS General Assembly in Bad Homburg, Germany, on 29 November 2024, was highly productive, bringing together participants from 10 countries. We extend our heartfelt thanks to our host Mr. Fabian Maurer, Ringspann GmbH, Bad Homburg, and his team for their hospitality.

Key highlights of the assembly included an overview of the current economic situation in Europe and a round table discussion about the present relationship with China. Dr. Fuhrländer-Völker from TU Darmstadt delivered an insightful presentation on Industry 4.0, outlining exciting future possibilities.

Meet the new President and Vice-President

The agenda also featured the election of the new President and Vice President, which occurs every four years. We express our gratitude to Salim Haffar for his dedicated service as the outgoing EUROTRANS President, during which he significantly raised the committee’s global profile.

It is our honor to introduce our new President, Andre Thuswaldner, NOVAGEAR Switzerland, who previously served as Vice President. We also welcome our new Vice-President, Lorenzo Cattini, Cattini e Figlio, from Italy. Dirk Decker from VDMA, Germany, was confirmed in his position as General Secretary.

A new EUROTRANS President, André Thuswaldner, Novagear, Switzerland, the new EUROTRANS Vice President, Lorenzo Cattini, CEO of Cattini e Figlio Spa., and General Secretary Dirk Decker.

In their introductory speeches, both the new President and Vice President emphasized the importance of standing together in this European network due to the current economic situation.

The revenue forecast for 2024 is projected to be between -5% to -10%, depending on the European member. For 2025, a stagnation to a slight decline is anticipated.



