Tag: New Way Air Bearings
Fluid films in bearings and rotordynamic predictions
What is rotordynamics?
Most simply, it is the study of the vibration characteristics of a rotating shaft supported on bearings. In almost all cases, the...
A New Way of force balancing mechanical seals
By Drew Devitt, New-Seal, Inc.
Pumps are one of the largest users of mechanical seals. As the name suggests, mechanical
seals are contact-type seals, differentiated from...
Precision Bearing Design for Large Diameters and High Speeds
Slewing Ring Bearings:
A Precision Bearing Design for Large Diameters and High Speeds
Externally pressurized air bearings, commercially available from New Way Air Bearings, enable new...
What is a radial air bearing?
Radial Air Bearings: https://www.newwayairbearings.com/cat...
New Way Tilt Pad Air Bearings on Turbine Shaft
Drew Devitt, CTO of New Way Air Bearings, describes the slow speed test rig set up as it is being prepared for high speed testing.
You can...
Axis of Rotation Metrology for Improving Bearing Manufacturing
By Drew Devitt
New Way Air Bearings
In the history of machine tools, spindles have been very good relative to other bearings and structures on the...
Gas Bearing Lubrication in Turbo Equipment
By Drew Devitt from New Way Air Bearings
Gas bearing lubrication in Turbo equipment has been making slow but steady progress. Almost all fluid...
What is an air bearing? Frictionless motion solutions!
Engineers will learn about the performance advantages of air bearings and how Porous Media Technology from New Way is a superior choice for today’s...
Scoping Don Bently’s Bearing Concept
By Drew Devitt
Hydrodynamic fluid film oil bearings have been standard in large equipment for over 100 years. More recently, Tilting Pad oil bearings dominate in...